You know it’s the LAWMED season again when you suddenly feel so popular because the Law Club Sports Secretary Director starts inviting you to all sorts of events on Facebook. LAWMED is nothing without the hours and hours of hard work and dedication that our sportsmen put into their sport – did you think the upper quad gets botak on its own? (Probably, but you get my point.)
Justified rounded up the jocks to talk some LAWMED strategy and six-pack short cuts.
Oh and for the convenience of the girls (and perhaps some boys) reading this, we’ve decided to do you a service and put the most important question right up front.
Handball Captain: Hirono Eddy
Do you have abs?
I have stealth abs. They’re there, even though sometimes it’s hard to tell.
What is your most favourite part about the sport you play?
Well, I’m a goalkeeper, so I guess my favourite part is making saves. Nothing more satisfying than throwing your body across the goal and getting a hand to a shot that’s destined for the bottom/top corner of the goal. When I watch matches I’m always particularly inspired and excited whenever a goalkeeper makes a save, so yeah, that’ll have to be my most favourite part about handball.
Which female athlete inspires you the most?
Anna Kournikova? She inspires me because she gets by without actually being that good, she’s just really good-looking. So yeah, that gives me hope.
Jokes aside, Homare Sawa is my pick. The 2011 FIFA Women’s World Player of the Year captained Japan to the World Cup in the same year, and I guess she inspires me because I never thought an Asian team would ever dominate in world football.
What is your training regimen like? Do you spend more time at the gym or the library?
“Training regimen” hahaha. Well, it’s kinda cyclical, sometimes when I feel fat, I motivate myself to run every 2 days. When I’m feeling particularly content with life, then I run a little less, like maybe once every 2 months.
For Law-Med, the team has trained really hard though! Sometimes I see the dread in my teammates’ eyes when we do our pre-training runs, but I think it will help us come matchday!
Oh, and I certainly spend more time at the gym, until the exams roll around.
What are the odds of us winning your sport for Law-Med this year?
I don’t like giving odds. Give too little, and my team is demoralised because it indicates a lack of trust in them; give too much, and my team develops a false sense of arrogance. What I can say for sure, is that we will fight hard. You will not see any of us giving up during the game, regardless of the score. I believe in my teammates – they will fight for me, and I will fight for them as well.
What do you think of the Water Polo Guy from NUS Law Confessions?
(Assuming he’s real…) Haven’t seen him before, but I hope he’s playing handball this Friday. Any guy who describes themselves as buff, intelligent and LOADED (what’s with the reference to money?) deserves to be brought down to Earth.
Still don’t think he’s real though haha.
Donna Paulsen or Rachel Zane?
Wow I actually had to Google this. Which turned out to be a good thing 🙂
Based on looks alone, because I don’t watch Suits, Rachel Zane.
Floorball Captain: Anil Shergill
Do you have abs?
only about 8 la
What is your most favourite part about the sport you play?
how the ball sticks to my blade as i go around players
Which female athlete inspires you the most?
delise yang
What is your training regimen like? Do you spend more time at the gym or the library?
What are the odds of us winning your sport for Law-Med this year?
highly likely
What do you think of the Water Polo Guy from NUS Law Confessions?
Donna Paulsen or Rachel Zane?
Rachel Zane
Basketball Captain: Kevin Chua

It doesn’t matter what ball you put in his hands – he shoots and he scores.
Do you have abs?
Only so many that I lost count.
What is your most favourite part about the sport you play?
The part where I put balls into baskets.
Which female athlete inspires you the most?
Without a doubt, it has to be the (in)famous floorball athlete — Delise Yang
What is your training regimen like? Do you spend more time at the gym or the library?
Library. The secret to doing well at sports is to have a good or at least decent CAP score.
What are the odds of us winning your sport for Law-Med this year?
We have already beaten Med once during the IFG preliminaries, what’s stopping us from winning them again? J
What do you think of the Water Polo Guy from NUS Law Confessions?
Donna Paulsen or Rachel Zane?
Donna Paulsen
Volleyball Captain: Joey Lim

Full body pictures after the jump.
Do you have abs?
NO. (Editor’s note: Only because he crops them out^.)
What is your most favourite part about the sport you play?
‘Most’ in ‘most favourite’ seems redundant! 🙂 Anyway, it would probably be the propensity for teamwork and the inter-dependence of the players. I spent 10 years in a highly individualistic sport [Judo] and Volleyball/Beach Volleyball has built up my teamwork a fair bit. That, and the fact that Beach Volleyball involve babes in bikinis, diving around in sand.
Which female athlete inspires you the most?
I inspire myself.
What is your training regimen like? Do you spend more time at the gym or the library?
I’m hardly ever at the library, so this is a no-brainer. I spend more time at the gym [about once a week]. I play court volleyball every Friday and beach volleyball every Sunday.
What are the odds of us winning your sport for Law-Med this year?
Extraordinarily high.
What do you think of the Water Polo Guy from NUS Law Confessions?
Well, Law guys welcome any form of competition. Particularly since it seems all he has to offer would be his being from ‘Water Polo’, and the dubious prospect of him being ‘buff and tall and intelligent’. NUS Law guys have completed NS and are older than their medicine counterparts. Our work attire is a suit, doctors are in white blood/puke-stained ‘white’ robes. [Think: Suits versus Grey’s Anatomy.]
If all else fails, medicine students belong to a ‘medical association’. We belong to a ‘bar association’. Which sounds more fun? 🙂
Donna Paulsen or Rachel Zane?
Donna Paulsen.
Soccer Captain: Hari Veluri
Do you have abs?
Well, I used to. But now.. not quite.
What is your most favourite part about the sport you play?
My favourite part about football is how it is a game which can be extremely physical and rough but at the same time requires so much finesse.
Which female athlete inspires you the most?
I would say Marta Vieira da Silva from the Brazilian football team. She’s like the female Lionel Messi.
What is your training regimen like? Do you spend more time at the gym or the library?
I don’t really have a regime. I do a few chin ups at home every now and then. But most of my exercise comes from playing football, which I do pretty often (though I’m not sure if that counts as a ‘regime’). Sadly, I think I definitely spend more time in the library.
What are the odds of us winning your sport for Law-Med this year?
I would say 50-50. Both sides are strong. But if we keep our composure, we might be able to nick it. Anything can happen in football.
What do you think of the Water Polo Guy from NUS Law Confessions?
I don’t know about that guy.
Donna Paulsen or Rachel Zane?
Errm.. sorry I don’t know them either haha.
Rugby Captain: Martin Butler

Do you have abs?
My secondary school biology teacher assures me mine exist, but like all good things, are hard to find.
What is your most favourite part about the sport you play?
The part that doesn’t require me to have abs.
Which female athlete inspires you the most?
My mum, the condominium women’s arm-wrestling 1st runner up (the champion was a Taiwanese aborigine, had arms of a wrestler and is said to have broken Batman’s back). Also the proud owner of school age-group steeplechase and hurdle gold medals; she assures me it belongs to her. Did I mention she bowls – where she quadruples my score every time.
What is your training regimen like? Do you spend more time at the gym or the library?
A GPA-breaking 4 evenings a week. What’s a library?
What are the odds of us winning your sport for Law-Med this year?
Bookies currently putting out 10/1 that we’ll turn up.
What do you think of the Water Polo Guy from NUS Law Confessions?
“Who really gives a damn?”
Donna Paulsen or Rachel Zane?
Frank Zane, what a stud.
Ultimate (Frisbee) Captain: Daniel Ng
Do you have abs?
What is your most favourite part about the sport you play?
I love the spirit of ultimate frisbee. It’s the celebration of human capability and strength. It’s really amazing to watch the pros play it, especially when there are huge layout-Ds or layout-grabs and skys.
Which female athlete inspires you the most?
Erica Hosseini
What is your training regimen like? Do you spend more time at the gym or the library?
HAHA unfortunately I don’t gym. And I rarely visit the library either, it’s too stressful in there! But i guess the bulk of my training comes from TeamNUS ultimate frisbee – we train twice to thrice a week.
What are the odds of us winning your sport for Law-Med this year?
The odds are more in our favour this year, as compared to previous years. We have Zhang SUPERSTAR Zhefei on our team. And I heard that the medicine team isn’t as strong as before, but I’ve yet to see them train.
What do you think of the Water Polo Guy from NUS Law Confessions?
I don’t know who he is, so I can’t comment sorry!
Donna Paulsen or Rachel Zane?
Donna Paulsen.
The LAWMED 2013 Fixtures can be found here.
Text by Desmond Chng.