The constant yet unequal pitter-patter of raindrops falling from the sky greeted your Saturday morning, and an average person, peeling his eyes open to see the downpour, would head straight back to bed in such comfortable weather. But that was not the case for the NUS Law Ultimate Frisbee team, which instead of being cosy in bed, was on the field valiantly facing their opponents at the Law Fraternity Games: Ultimate Frisbee. NUS Law went against SMU Law and Law Society in the three-team tournament, with back-to-back matches.
We went up against SMU Law in the opening match of the tournament. Despite not having conducted our usual go-to drills, cutting drills, and warm up routines, the boys and girls were nonetheless psyched-up and ready to show our opposition what we were made of. Indeed, every single player in our camp fought hard and strong in both match ups.
The game saw Wei Song, our very own Brodie Smith (if you don’t know who he is, check him out here:, placing incredibly accurate and long-distance hucks into the end zone. His amazing hucks did not go to waste, as our very own World’s Tallest Manâ„¢, Kevin Chua, caught them gaining us points on the scoreboard. Height indeed came in to our advantage, but so did short legs. Both Eddy Hirono and Jason Lim can vouch for that. The two ran hard and fast, and with their quick bursts of speed, outran our opponents to grab the discs in the end zone, scoring points. Who says you need long legs with long strides to run fast?
Even as we broke off with our lead, SMU Law still fought on and gave their best. To counter SMU’s hard-pressed attacks, we put up a valiant defence, which saw many of our team members intercepting their discs and denying their attempts at scoring in the end zone. In particular, Jason’s fast legs helped him intercept our opponents’ passes, while Kevin’s reach smacked away incoming hucks into our end zone, for an uproaring defence! And in our counter-attacks, we made sure we converted their lost possession into a score for us. With every great defence and every score, our camp’s sidelines erupted with roars of “OOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!” in celebratory notion.
The first half saw NUS lead SMU 4-2. In the second half, we had upped the score to 8-3. Half a minute left and Wei Song made a huck down the field, which was caught by Catherine Lim just outside the end zone. With only seconds left to spare till the end of the game, Daniel Ng (yes, myself), sprinted from half-field towards the end zone, catching the disc that Catherine fed him for a final score. The game ended then at 9-3 to NUS Law.
Back to back matches meant that we barely took a break from our first game as we entered into our next one with Law Society. Ten minutes into the game, and we were trailing 3-0. Nevertheless, we held our head up high and fought hard. Kevin secured NUS’s first score in that game with his amazing jumping reach. Daniel subsequently secured two more scores, one of which was a layout score that made the sidelines go wild with celebratory cheers, equalizing the scoreboard.
Unfortunately, Law Society had many fresh pairs of legs and lungs, which they used to their advantage. By half time, we were down 6-3. The second half saw Law Society increasing their scoreboard by leaps and bounds. We too did add to our scoreboard, with Lai Su Lyn’s spectacular one-handed jumping grab in the end zone. However, despite our valiant efforts and many attempts at increasing our score, we were unable to catch up that much, and only managed to bring our score to 7. The game ended with a final score of 13-7 to Law Society.
Despite the loss, great spirit and enthusiasm continued to flowed from our team throughout the rest of the day, on and off the pitch. Satchel Paige once said, “Don’t look back, something might be gaining on you.” The NUS Law Ultimate Frisbee team never looked back, as we kept our heads up high and looked forward.
Every single team member gave their very best, ran their hardest, and fought till the very end that day. Nobody gave up, and it was amazing seeing the spirit in the entire team. In the words of Billie Jean King, “Champions keep playing until they get it right.” Indeed, Saturday was a perfect example of our determination to get it right, despite the odds. We will keep training, and playing, and we will never stop till we get it right. Watch out (a particular faculty starting with M)!!
“Football is violence and cold weather and sex and college rye.” — Roger Kahn. But Ultimate Frisbee is for MEN.
As I end off, I wish to congratulate everybody from the team. Great playing and good job guys!
The Team:
Wei Song, Huan Yong (VD), Yu Hang, Chang Xian (Chunky), Eddy Hirono, Gerry Chu, Alvan Quek, Natalie Chang, Catherine Lim, Lai Su Lyn, Daniel Ng (myself), Kevin Chua, Jason Lim, Nicholas Tong, Kenny Low, Hurwitz Joo and James Yap.

Captain Weisong's awesome pass (one of the many)

Leaping to victory

Even a knee block ain't stopping Alvan

The mighty TEAM NUS! (:

Article contributed by: Daniel Ng (Law 1)
Photography by: Thiam Jia Min (Law 2)