Exams are around the corner, and its crunch time…
But that hasn’t been the only crunching we’ve had, because thanks to our beloved Law Club, it’s Welfare Week once again!

Future lawyers from the stressed-out Law Club got their spelling wrong as the entire law school flopped around in their newly gained fats/flabs during Well-Fed Wek.
For the past week, Law Club has been taking time from their own study timetables to present you all with a week of food, sweets and drinks to fuel your brain! From those welfare packs filled with goodies to chin chow and to sugary candy floss, we’ve definitely been showered with plenty of love!
Here’s a glimpse into the past week:

Our dear Law Club MC figuring out what to do with all these goodies. Creative Director Sam Yi Ting (far left) sniggers in the sinister dark of her ploy to Eat. Everything.

Hiding one of the five golden tickets in the welfare packs, so that the lucky person gets to walk away with a free Law School tee! Will the real winner please shoutout and show some gratitude on Overheard?

Checking their loot out! 4 years of pampering, it never gets old.

One lucky girl with her golden ticket and free law-med shirt! In general, more clothes bodes well for finals season as everyone starts to dress cui-ly to study in school.

FREE CHINCHOW!!! Not sure what those two globes of things are but they look great/lots of effort went into them. Also for the year 2s, keep your Chins up for (Chan) Chow (Wang).

Happy faces with their chin chow! An excited year 1 decides to call his family to tell them about the good news/blessings that raining upon law school #blessed #thankyouguys :’)

Chin chow made Sam Yi Ting really really excited. Apart from Chin Chow, only mugging in the library ever gets this top year 2 cai this excited and exhilarated. #deanslistoncemore #muahahaha #putIQreducingpotioninthemdrinks #shhhh

Free Candy Floss and Bean Curd!!! Tau huey ran out so fast, couldn’t even get a pic of them. Oh wait, its just that they were too smooth, runny and silky. Dang.

Happy faces. Would take photos all day for free tau huey.

Year 2 eye cand… A year 2 student manages to get some candy floss.

Imagine getting floss in those fluffs!

IT’S SO FLUFFY!!! I. Could. Die. =B

Long queues for the candy floss. Law IV superstar Isaac Chua spotted among the crowd as the year 4s enjoy their last… Welfare.. Week. 🙁

Wow. When the sun shines we shine togeada.


Thank you law club for putting in so much effort to bring a smile to our faces and reminding us of LAWR and Snow White!

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the smartest of them all? Academic director Samuel Koh, also a GQ model, shows the boys how a real undercut hairstyle is done.

Skoh White handing out the fruits of his wisdom to adoring fans from the junior batch. Get your hands on the man now before he sits on the bench while you stand at the bar.

Not sure if Year 2 casanova Michael Bin wants “a date with _” or a league title for Liverpool.
That ends 5 days of happiness, presented to us by the lovely Law Club Management Committee! Let’s all take a moment to appreciate and thank them for inserting some sunshine into our grey study week. Thank you!!!
And from Justified to the rest of you: all the best for your studying! Press on, because the light at the end of the tunnel is near, and the summer holidays await you!
Article by Angela Ang (Year 1) and Photos by Law Club MC.