The NUS Students’ Law Club (affectionately known as the “Law Club”) is a constituent club of NUS Students’ Union and is made up of the law undergraduate, graduate and masters students in NUS. Or at least that is what the page on Justified says. But that was back in 2011, where at least for most of us, Children’s Day was really an actual school holiday, so clearly some updates are in order. Fast forward to the present, the Law Club has just elected its 38th Management Committee. So, let’s take a look at some of the faces you might want to be familiar with, in case you are interested in developments in school and welfare – or as we would put it, are currently a student in Law School.

This will be the first of two articles asking the committee about their goals, their dreams, their plans and their interests. Some recounted their aspirations for NUS Law, some talked about animals and colours and horror movies, some talked about #fitspo and of course, some waxed lyrical about alcohol.



Let’s start off with the president of the Law Club, Lim Jun Heng.

Why did you want to run for President?

Jun Heng is a calm and collected individual. He takes a moment (just a short one) to think about his answer, before delivering his very eloquent speech.

“I didn’t really participate much in my first year, and I felt like I wanted to remain more attached to the school. The first thing I thought of was to try and change the culture. I think one main reason why I wasn’t as attached to school was that law school sometimes feels like a tuition centre; I felt like I just came for classes and lectures and I didn’t really do much besides that … and maybe play some ping pong and foosball before leaving. That was kind of about it.

The thing I wanted to do in Year 2 was to cultivate a more cohesive and fun culture. And the best way to do so was through Law Club, and through the role of the President where I can set the vision to try and change something.”


How would you change the culture of law school?

“Admittedly, culture is something that is hard to change, but … I thought that one way to do so was to create some kind of interbatch game.

We have something like that, called ‘Justice League’, where the games are very similar to IFG games, such as netball, football etc. However, it’s hard to get teams across batches for these games, and it’s very tough to join if you can’t go for the trainings. So realistically what happens for these games is that you have two teams that just become the top two teams, which is quite … lame. It’s very hard for each batch to get enough people for team sports. One idea we have is to introduce simpler games with less manpower requirements — such as lounge games, like foosball, ping pong, and pool. These are games that are much easier to access and help people to bond. You’d need 2 people at most per team.

We also want to continue the work of the previous MCs and the Class Committees. At the end of the day, we really just want to make the school more happening and fun — we don’t want people to just come to school for lectures and tutorial, then say, “bye, I’m going to go home and study”. That’s very sian.”

Aside from setting the vision for Law Club, what else do you do as President? What does the job of the President entail?

“Within the school, I make sure everyone is on task with their events. Law Club runs a slew of events, like Law Careers Fair, Justice League, Law Med games, Open House, and Law Beach Games, and so on. There’s a lot of things to do throughout the whole year — but the school year is quite short. We only have 24 weeks, or about 6 months. When you factor in one month per semester for normal study and exams, you won’t have a lot of time left. In essence, we only have 4 months to do quite a lot of work.

As such, I also have to make sure that everyone is on the ball. On the NUSSU side, I go there to help and protect our rights and interests. For example, if NUSSU wants to raise everyone’s school fees, to pay for some extra bus service within Kent Ridge, then obviously it wouldn’t make sense to us since we’d pay more money but not benefit from it. I’m there to make sure that we are not being prejudiced, to make sure our interests are not adversely affected and that we don’t get short-changed.

One of Ryo’s main roles at NUSSU (Ryo being the previous Law Club President) was to make sure that we can make everything fun and inclusive for Orientation, rather than being clamped down. You all know last year there was some orientation saga that got quite out of hand. So the presidents of the clubs met to make sure that the school doesn’t clamp down too much on us.”


Speaking of sagas and dramas — and this question being a bit controversial — some people, I won’t say who, might be a bit worried over your appointment as President because you had the lowest percentage of votes. Some people were even a bit vocal about it. Do you have anything to say about this, or to reassure them? Anything to put to your doubters?

“I won’t call them doubters or haters! At the end of the day we are all students and they have a fair right to doubt me. But I think one main reason why I got the lowest percentage of votes was that we didn’t campaign with a vision. And I think, usually people will look toward those running for President and Vice President if there’s no clear vision or initiatives, and we didn’t do that this year during the campaigning process. It was an oversight on our part. I suppose it may have seemed like we did not care, or maybe we didn’t try because we were uncontested. But that wasn’t really what happened, it was really just an oversight on our part.

That being said, I think I’ll just take this opportunity to tell the school what our vision is and some initiatives that we have.

As I said before, our vision is really to create a more inclusive and vibrant school culture. We’ll start that with some welfare initiatives, like clearing the lounge, and then try to have board games. We are in discussions to get an air hockey table as well so there are more activities in the lounge. We also want to rearrange it so there’s more space for everybody. Right now, it’s quite messy. A small bit goes a long way, and these are just some things we are trying to roll out.”

[Update: As of Week 7, the lounge is now sparkling clean. The members of our 38th Law Club were hard at work with vacuums and rags during recess week, scrubbing down every inch of the lounge, and carrying literal piles of trash down to the dustbin shed. This interview was conducted before that. Good job!]

“Other things we want to do, is, like, reformatting the Justice League. We also got some feedback that some people don’t really dare to approach us with ideas and initiatives. We want to make Law Club more accessible — in the sense that we are a warmer Law Club, so people would approach us and tell us how they’d like the school to be improved.

Take hot water for example. A schoolmate came up to me and she told me, “Bro, you should have hot water on every floor.” I thought that was a great suggestion. I mean, for example if you’re sick and you need some hot water, you could just go to the Summit and ask the canteen uncle for hot water, but it’s a bit leichei and impractical. These are some things we are trying to look at, to try and get hot water for every floor. We also want to make sure, as best we can, that people know about the stuff available to them. For the girls, do you know that we provide emergency pads at the Law Club Room? These are some things we just want to make known.”


I think these initiatives are things that most of the law school population just doesn’t know about.

Exactly. There are a lot of notice boards that aren’t used on Level 1. So we want to use one of those notice boards for the Law Club, like an official board, to tell people who we are, what we do and how we can help you. We are also thinking of making an online feedback form on the batch groups, but not Overheard since we can’t pin it. Every batch has a batch group that the Class Comm for that year creates. Pinning the link on the batch group lets you just make suggestions online. We’ll look into it, and if it’s feasible, I don’t see why we shouldn’t go for it?”


I think this question is much more casual. I think some people may consider you a ‘hypebeast’ or simply very fashionable. What’s the favourite piece of clothing that you own?

“Is this going to be in the article?”


“Uhhhh…” [Jun Heng laughs uncomfortably]

“I think it’s a bit lame, but that would be my white sneakers. They’re quite essential I think, whenever I need a pair of shoes, I’ll always put those on.”

Do you think your style reflects who you are? There was a Uniqlo commercial that  said people should be able to tell who you are and what you’re feeling, just by the way you dress. Do you think how you dress does that?

“I don’t think that applies to everyone, but to me, it does. How I dress is a reflection of my mood — when I’m having a bad day, unless I’m doing sports, if I come into school in, let’s say, the clothes I wear to sleep, then it either means I woke up too late or that I’m just having a really bad day. I guess as a general rule, if I dress up, I’ll feel better. So I try very hard to at least dress up better so I also feel better. I know that I said that it’s a reflection of my mood, but it’s a two-way thing. Sometimes, I force myself to dress up better so I feel better.”


Speaking of style, our Law Club Vice-President, Soo Guo Sheng
, has a very distinct hair colour (that we, of course, asked asked him about later on). If Guo Sheng seems familiar, it’s because he was the Marketing Chairperson of FOCC 16/17. He’s also that guy with really bright hair. 

Why did you want to run for VP? Why not President or Sports Director?

“That sounds like something I was asked at the internal elections. I was aiming to run for president or vice-president as I wanted to take on a more supervisory role after being the FOCC Marketing Chairperson in the previous year.”


What’s the difference between the VP and the P? What do you do on a day-to-day basis?

“On a day to day basis both of us are in charge of ensuring that the committee, the Law Club, functions. And what needs to be done gets done by the directors. But the main difference is that as a VP I’m traditionally in charge of the sub-clubs, and Jun Heng doesn’t take up that role. That’s one main difference. He will usually be the first person that will be asked to accompany GOH when there are events so, unless he’s busy, he will be the one going for all these events. That happens pretty often apparently, according to what Ryo, the previous President, told us. It’s, like, once every two weeks.  But on the other hand, both of us would be involved with NUSSU, liaising with the Kent Ridge side, and the deanery.”


What inspired you to colour your hair? And how did you decide on this colour?

“I always wanted to dye my hair since secondary school, but I’ve always been quite hesitant, since everyone I asked told me not to do it. In the end I just decided that if I wasn’t going to dye it during the summer holidays, I would probably never get the chance. So to me, it was the last opportunity for me to grab, and I did. Just to clarify at the start it was ash-grey, but it faded. To get the ash-grey colour, I had to bleach my hair 2-3 times, and after that they put the ash-grey dye on. But after a while it fades to the base colour, which is like the colour of  yellowish brown. So that’s why it’s like that.”

Didn’t you go for this colour on purpose?

“No la. If you want I can show you a picture. But I am okay with this colour now, it’s still ok.”


Who’s the better looking one, you or Jun Heng?

[Guo Sheng laughs sheepishly, then laughs louder.]

“Did you ask Jun Heng this question?”


“Oh wow, I mean…”

Honestly though.

“Honestly though, ah, I mean, both of us look good in different ways. So I guess…”

Objectively speaking, how would you rate each other out of 100?

“Oh my, is this going to be in the article? … I think I’m better looking … l … as in, but I shouldn’t say so much …”


How would you convince someone to do something that he or she doesn’t want to do?

“I think it will depend a lot on if that person is a good friend of mine. If they are a good friend, I would definitely say just help me as a friend. Not because you really want to help me as part of work, but help me as a friend. If that person is not my friend, then I would have to be a bit more of a tyrant if I’m in that position. I am sure as law students we can think of ways to convince people, kinda like a mini moot.”

Which would win in a fight? A shark or a lion?

[Guo Sheng answers without hesitation]

“A lion. Other than having its teeth and jaws, the lion can use its paws, a shark doesn’t have any limbs per se.”


Would you rather have a head the size of a tennis ball or the size of a watermelon?

“I think I would rather have my head the size of a watermelon.”


“I mean, because, a tennis ball is much smaller than a human head but a watermelon sometimes, can be almost like a human head?”

Assume the watermelon is like the size of one shoulder to the other.

“Oh, I think I’d rather have a bigger head, since I can have a bigger brain also.”


Would you rather live forever or die in the next 5 minutes?

“Die in the next 5 mins. I feel like there’s no point in living forever. After a while, you will start to realise that the things you’re gonna see will be things that repeat themselves. And you will have seen all the happiness in the world and all the sadness. Like, enough, you will have seen enough of those things. And to live forever, you will also see your loved ones leave you, I guess, assuming they don’t live forever. And that is quite heart wrenching, and I don’t want to experience that. So, I would rather die in the next 5 mins…?”

Just to end things off, anything you want to say to Law School?

“Hmm, did you ask Jun Heng this question? What did he say?”

He went through the initiatives you are all coming up with.


I am asking this question more for you personally, it doesn’t have to be about Law Club…

“Oh! Let’s all be nice people!”



Speaking about loved ones, we will now introduce the Honorary Secretary General, Yu Kai Yan. He sent the whole Justified team into excited squeals when he played an “I love you!!” voice message from his girlfriend rather loudly after the interview, partially because she was on it. In fact, it was so loud that the whole room had to stop the interview out of a sudden onset of diabetes.  Some even say that they could actually feel the full list of common symptoms for Type 2 Diabetes according to 

Why did you want to run?

“At first, I didn’t want to run. But Jun Heng was putting together a team and I figured that it was a nice opportunity to be in a position to give back to the school. You know, an easy position to support everyone at the same time.”


What does the honorary general secretary do? Why “honorary general”?

“I’ll be honest — I don’t know why I’m an “honorary general” secretary, but I guess it just sounds cool. I basically am just, well, do the most basic duties as a whole for the Law Club — so I take minutes, arrange for meetings, etc. On top of that, the main portfolio is being the vice-chair for the Law Careers Fair — where we get firms down to set up booths and our students can ask questions about training contract and things like that.

Also the thing that most people don’t realise is that the HGS is also in charge of the class committee — normally the president and vice-pres don’t worry too much. My job is generally to worry about finding people to join the class committee for Years 1 to 3. I also get the support of the other club members to find people, and then when the team is formed, give them full autonomy. My job is basically to form a team, give them a budget, and allocate resources. That’s more or less it. It’s not as interesting a role to describe as the other roles in Law Club, since it’s quite a generic/can be anywhere/all-rounder main supporting role (the crude way of saying it is saikang), so yeah.”

We heard that at some point you were considering running for other positions — why HGS now?

[Kai Yan purses his lips. He looks down at the table.]

“Long story short — no la — actual answer cannot put on paper one. So, [REDACTED].”

[After the interview, Justified destroyed the recording and buried it in Pulau Semakau.]

“If it’s anything to go by I think, we already decided to run as a team and we know what we wanted as a team and the point was to focus on doing what we had planned to do to the best of our abilities. So I went in knowing that my job was going to be the HGS.

I came in with the intention of just being a supporting role. I like to play support, even in DOTA.  And it’s the same here — I’m everybody’s support now. Hopefully I can make a difference to the school.”

For some casual questions: would you rather have unlimited respect or unlimited power?

“I guess simply I’d rather have unlimited respect over power. I guess it sounds very idealistic but I guess if you wanted to move people both literally and figuratively, having their respect goes a long long way and it develops this desire for them to, for example, help you with something intrinsically rather than because they feel they are obligated to. Though I guess that’s more from a more ‘leadership’ viewpoint. I also think it’s really important just because to me, mutual respect is a really important value because I feel that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, and if everyone could achieve that then the world might be a slightly nicer place?”

If you were a pizza, what flavour would you be and why?

“Short of shouting “CLASSIFIED CHICKEN” from Dominoes just because I really like that pizza, I guess my answer is still Classified Chicken because it’s a very simple and unassuming pizza, no fancy toppings, but a lot of people still like it, and I like to think that reflects what I’m like as a person? That I’m a simple person whom other people are able to easily approach.”


What would be the name of your debut album?

“‘Minutes’, really just to reflect how time is really precious and important? And that we should aspire not to even waste the minutes presented to us everyday because there’s no turning back and time that’s wasted is time … AH who am I kidding, it’s just a way to disguise me lamenting one of my biggest jobs: taking minutes!”

…Did you know you have white hair? 

[After Leon asked the question, Kai Yan’s face soured in utter dismay, in realisation of the fact that a certain someone has gotten a hand in writing his interview questions …]

“Is this interview over?”


“… I’ve had it since Primary 6.”

[Subsequently, Kai Yan tried to clarify that a certain somebody knows he doesn’t like being asked this question, and the very loud voice message we heard was a ploy from her to try and get out of trouble. A bit like using puppy eyes.  The Justified team remained skeptical, bemused and diabetic.]


If you’re the general secretary, who’s the specific secretary?

[Kai Yan has not stopped shaking his head since the previous question.]

“Got specific secretary one meh?

Okay la that’s just semantics. I still don’t know why there’s an “honourary” part of the position name. It’s really not that interesting.”


How do you maintain a relationship in law school while being on the Dean’s list? What do you think is the secret to your success? Both academically and romantically.

[Kai Yan sighs and play with his phone. Jun Heng says that he also wants to know.]

“I was on Dean’s List last year and not this year, so I don’t think the question is very accurate lah. I guess it did help that we studied together, it’s kind of win-win. But I guess also like it’s just about managing time and expectations — we have talked about it, that with my Law Club and things like that, we probably have less time together. It’s really about managing expectations — just know that we might not have as much time with each other.”


I can’t believe you’re answering this question seriously.

“How am I supposed to know what’s real or not… :'(”



Next up, we interviewed high-jumper and sportsman extraordinaire and Sports Director, Steven Low Jun Lim, who came for the interview in his uniform of IFG shirt and shorts, complete with on trend Adidas slides.  We wanted to know more about the famous man with the perky bum.


So why did you want to run? I know you were external events last year.

“Yes, I was in external events last year. I ran cause last year initially when I ran, i wanted to run for athletics director, but I didn’t get the role, Josiah Tham got it. I have always been passionate about sports… so I wanted to run for sports director.” 

So are you taking over Josiah?

“Well, technically. He wasn’t the sports director. Gonna write an Overheard post for him.”

Oh you wrote a post for him?

“No, no, no I mean, as in, gotta write those Overheard posts like him. Have to match up to his standards. He has very high standards.”

What did you do in the previous Law Club and why do you want to run again?

“Last year I was external events director, so my main portfolio was assisting the internal events director Marcus in planning for open day. I was also the chairperson of the organising comm for Law Beach Games. The Law Beach Games in July this year, I organised it with my counterpart from SMU. But this year my purview includes all the sporting events in law school.  Like Law Beach Games was kinda a sporting event, but it was more of an external event rather than a sporting event.

I am in charge of 4 sporting events this year. The main ones would be firstly Justice League, but this year we are gonna put a twist on Justice League. Since last year we didn’t really have Justice League. Normally Justice League is an intra-faculty sports event like Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 will send one team each. And fight it out for the top place but I think no sports could send, I mean none of the sports in Law could send, like four separate teams. So I think this year we are gonna change it to lounge games, which are more casual. And it requires fewer players. Like a soccer team will require 7 to 11 players, foosball needs only 2 players. It is much easier to form a team. Ping pong also – doubles, singles, it is much easier and this is what we are currently heading towards now instead of organising all those sporting events. We are gonna move it towards lounge games.

Then after that we will organise the Law Frat Games. The Law Frat Games is just like Law-Med, but it is with SMU and the Law Socs (alumni from NUS and current lawyers). That’s the first one, then there will be Law-Med, organising sporting events with the medicine counterpart. It is like a smaller scale of IFG, but just Law and Med. The last one is IFG itself, so it’s for the whole school — we just send teams and we organise one sport for IFG. We are not sure about this year — traditionally it has been frisbee but we will see, we have to see after the meeting in Feb then they will ballot or allocate, so we have to see then.”


Is there anything — lessons, experiences etc — which you can take over from the previous MC to this one?

[Valen: So I might be mistaken but you seem to be the only one who has been in Law Club twice.]

“Yeah that’s correct. I guess since I was in Law Club last year, I’ve been through all the events that LC organises like Law Careers Fair, so I have been in all the processes and seen what can be done to improve the things. Sometimes I think the new members are not really sure of the processes — like where to go around booking things or how to contact sponsors. So I mean, it is not my main role but I can offer assistance to them. It is always good to have someone who has been in the system in a way. I mean, I kinda know the process so there is this certainty that we know how to do this and we can like change from there.”


Is there any way to better instil a sports culture in BTC? Or is our current state good enough? Any ideas to improve that?

“There can definitely be improvements in the current sporting culture. But as we know, in law school, studies are our priority. It is going to be hard for people to want to do some sports recreationally and consistently.  I mean even those doing sports are doing it for IVP and they won’t really have time to play with those recreational players but I think what we are doing this year is like Guo Sheng: he is looking into doing different interest groups for sports which aren’t really teams per se. But it is more like sub clubs, yet not like arts and sports and dance. We will start small — like there is this badminton interest group going around right now. So they are meeting every Friday to do some casual games and just get the interest going.

I don’t think you can change the sporting culture overnight, so we will have to take small steps to go through this process. All we can do now, is start small, try to form some interest groups. I think dodgeball is playing next week, like we are starting a small interest group. Non-competitive, where anybody is free to come down and just play. Just like once a week or something, or maybe once every two weeks. We can’t change it overnight, that is for sure. But we will just have to start out small and hopefully it kicks off.”


Do you have a favourite sport? Everyone knows you are like the sportsman of our batch. I don’t think  there is anyone in our batch who does more sports than you.

“To be honest I don’t have a favourite sport, I just enjoy doing all sports. But of course I like doing what I’m good at. So I would say high jump still my favourite, even though it’s not really a sport. I’ve been doing it for 10 years and I haven’t lost the passion yet.

What is it about high jump that interests you? What makes you want to stay on for like 10 years.

“Firstly, you must know high jump training is damn chill and damn slack, and also because the people there are very friendly. It is just very easy going, like you see all the other sports have very intense training — they train 6 or 7 times a week. I train 5 times a week but the trainings include  longer breaks and less intense exercises. And the whole community is just very pleasant. And beyond school there is this Singapore high jump community which I am a part of. We organise regular meets for everyone around Singapore to come and try high jump. So I guess it is just part of this community that drives me everyday. It is very nice to see the sport grow. It is quite a niche sport I believe, and I don’t really know that many high jumpers in Singapore, so it is this small, close knit group of jumpers, and I really enjoy going to trainings with them.”


What is one item you never leave house without?

“For me I think it’s just, uh, a set of sports clothes to change into — because you never know when you want to do some sports-related things in school.”

Does it ever happen spontaneously?

“Yes it does sometimes! Sometimes when I’m studying and I feel suddenly like I want to move, to go play some sport then I will have something to change into — I always have a set with me.”



As important as sports is to a healthy lifestyle, so is a mind kept busy. So, next in line we have our Academic Director — Lee Jin Loong.

Why did you want to run for Law Club?

“Why do I want to run for Law Club … specifically Law Club or my role in general?”

Specifically Law Club and then your role.

“I think that organising events is something that has been a part of my school life since JC days. Because in JC I was in the faculty committee and in secondary school I was in council. Given that I’m not in any other sub clubs at the moment, I thought I would like to try my hand at organizing large scale events that appeal to me, like what I did back in JC. Generally seeing the success of a particular event, and the process leading up to the event really makes me feel like I’ve made a contribution to the school. I know that Law Club is one of the clubs in school that organizes such events so that’s my motivation for running..”


What do you do as an Academic Director?

One of my main events is organising Law Careers Fair, which is something that I’m very keen on doing because it’s one of the biggest event aside from Open Day. I’m also in charge of academic and professional development related activities in school..”


When is Law Careers Fair?

“26th January 2018. Did you go last, I mean, this year?”

[No I didn’t go…]

“Okay don’t worry neither did I. (laughs) 

Law Careers Fair is mainly targeted at Year 2s and 3s when deciding which firms to apply for their summer internships or TCs. Going for the event and talking to the representatives from the firms there should give you a better insight on the culture of the firm and the type of work they do.

It’s a big event which I want to be involved in, and as the Acads Director, it’s a big part of my job scope. So I guess you could say this is one of the main reasons why I wanted to be the Acads Director. All of us in the committee have different things that come under our job scope, and this just happens to be one of the biggest things that comes under mine.


Favourite subject of the law so far, since you’re the Acads Director? 

“Hahaha burst!

Uh I would say contract and company.

They’re nerdy topics but okay la I’m a nerd, so it’s fine. Why contract and company?

They’re nerdy topics but okay la I’m a nerd haha. Why contract and company? I was a science student for the entirety of my schooling years. So I see contract and company as something that can be expressed within a framework more easily than the other topics and I relate better to them. I think that in general when I’m presented with a fact pattern for these subjects, I’m better able to approach it and apply the rules that operate within the framework.

I guess specifically for contract the rules that we apply are slightly more logical, I don’t know how to describe it but torts it seems more airy fairy to me. Whereas contract has a more “practical” application in that sense. And I guess being a science student, it appeals to me more. I’m a pragmatic guy so I like things that are grounded in reality.”


Several students have noted that you like to go to the gym a lot. What is your driving goal for keeping fit and do you have other athletic endeavours?

[He starts laughing awkwardly at the question … and so we rephrased the question to:]

Basically, you keep fit a lot, what’s your goal for that? What drives you to keep fit?

“Uh what drives me to keep fit?

I like sports and enjoy sweating it out after a long day. Literally feels like I’m detoxifying my body. I think it’s because I play Ultimate Frisbee competitively and sports is a form of catharsis for me. I haven’t been exercising for the past four days and I already feel a bit weird. It’s my form of relief from the stresses of school and I’ve always been grinding hard when it comes to training to push my limits. Which I apply across all aspects of my life when I’m faced with challenges, to grit my teeth and have the tenacity to push through..”


Aside from Law Careers Fair, any particular ideas for law school at large this year or any new initiatives?

In terms of new initiatives, I guess one thing that I’m trying to push for that hasn’t been implemented yet is video lectures or recorded lectures. It’s a policy that is adopted across NUS for other faculties like FASS or Science, everyone does it but only Law School doesn’t do it.

I was thinking that after going through one year of school, one thing that I didn’t have access to was recorded lectures. If I missed lectures or didn’t catch what the prof said, the next best thing would be recorded lectures. A lot of people do it already with their laptops or with their phones which makes sense, so I thought why not make it accessible for the entire student population too.

And of course to ensure that Law Careers Fair 2018 is a smooth sailing event!”


On a more casual note, would you rather lose your sense of taste or your sense of smell?

This is a tough one…since both work together what.

Valen agrees with him

I would say smell. Because I have sinus and blocked nose anyway so it doesn’t really matter. But taste… I love food, I love chips, I love Ruffles. I just ate 2 packs last night, feelsbadman.”


Would you rather sit with a resting lion for ten minutes or run across a hungry crocodile’s back?

“I think run across la. Do I need to say why? It would be faster to run across la, my footwork is quite good.”


Would you rather not be allowed to wash your hands for a month or your hair for a month?

“Wah this one need to think which one is more gross.

I would say hair, meaning that I would rather wash my hands. Both are gross laughs but hair can just wrap it in a bandana or something and take it off after one month but hands is like, you’re in permanent contact with it… and I eat chips pretty often so I definitely need to wash my hands.”


Would you rather be 1m tall or 3m tall?

“Probably because I’m an athlete right, so physicality matters. So 3m.”

[Valen: But it would be so inconvenient every time you walk through a door…]

“But if you’re 1m tall you’re just smelling everyone’s armpit in the train so like nahh..”

[Valen: But you can’t even fit on the train if you’re 3m, you can’t even fit into a car.]

I was envisioning a situation where if I was 3m tall I would probably be some rich NBA player and be able to construct everything to fit my needs, like I’m sure Yao Ming probably has a special house with a super high ceiling built for him.

If I was 3m I would hopefully be a NBA star, until the joint problems hit me when I’m too old with all the impact on my knees.”


We hope these interviews gave you a better insight into the members of the 38th Law Club. Having finished our interviews with the first, male-dominated half of Law Club, we felt as though we really got to know these people personally and we arguably felt closer to them. It really brings us back to JC and Secondary School days where the students’ council really felt like they were our peers, friends and family, and it was a warm and wholesome feeling to know that Law Club cares for the students and NUS Law at large.

The next segment will include interviews with the female members of Law Club — Eden, Joyce, Najla and Rachel (and Chun Yang)! As a spoiler, it involves eating dogs, getting hairy and getting cozy in a shack in the woods. What do these cryptic hints refer to? Stay tuned for the remaining 5 members!!

[[[Read Part 2 of the Interview here!]]]


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