The Communal Drink Stall Knife Is Gross And You Know It
I couldn't remember a time where the knife had not been there–it was something certain, an innate truth about the world we lived in.
I couldn't remember a time where the knife had not been there–it was something certain, an innate truth about the world we lived in.
Yes, even if you don't want to touch anything legal-related like me. Yes, even if your grades are not-excellent, like mine. Seriously. Just go.
On weekends, I teach tuition (so that I can afford stupidly expensive coffee on dates). I can tell one of my students is very bright. Strangely enough, the light seems to have dimmed recently ever since she got a new tuition buddy. Don’t blame the buddy. Buddy too, is...
I like writing by hand. I hate using a computer. I think that the worst thing about using a computer is that it is convenient. And because it is convenient, it becomes easy to lose yourself in its convenience. Using a computer in the lecture hall is subject to the...
Littered everywhere in the Singapore media is a doomsday prophecy for “young lawyers”. Even if they manage to beat the odds of getting a job amid the ‘glut’ of young lawyers, they are now told to hold off the (self-)congratulations as junior lawyers’ jobs are on the verge of...
The Law School Companion – The E-version Perspectives – Dealing with the First Year The Law School E-Companion features interviews with 4 different seniors. It contains snippets of advice and perspectives on the different pathways that can be taken in NUS Law. We hope that their advice would prove useful and instructive...