Just Happened

Events you missed out on while you were mugging in the library.

266 posts

NUS Arts Festival: past//present (Part 1: The Show)

by Justified in Arts & Culture

A little over a month ago, Justified received an email invitation from the NUS Centre For The Arts (CFA) to watch a theatre production, presented as part of the annual NUS Arts Festival series of concerts. I mean, it’s not every day we get exclusively invited to events – I...

Inter-Faculty Games 2018: Part 2

by Justified in Just Happened

This year’s IFG Coverage has been brought to you by the IFG Captains. Justified would like to thank the Captains for their enthusiasm and support. HANDBALL Credit: Chu Khe Han (Y2) DODGEBALL “We really weren’t outclassed in any way, and we are hoping to win it next year....

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