

A collection of posts by NUS Law students dating all the way back to 2011.

577 posts

Glow Crazy (NUS SMU Law Bash 2012)

by Justified

For one night only, freshmen from the National University of Singapore Faculty of Law and Singapore Management University School of Law come together to crown the first ever NUS/SMU Law King and Queen, and party the night away. Stage GAMES, sumptuous FOOD, and fabulous DRINKS await. So put away...

Are you ready to Glow Crazy?

by Justified

The pageant interview process has always been shrouded in secrecy. What goes on behind those closed doors? What inhumane torture are the pageant nominees subjected to at the hands of merciless interrogators? (We hear that the guys were interviewed shirtless). Do looks only account for 25% of the total score...

Winner of Week 1

by Justified

Dickson Lau (Year 2) – Winner of Week 1 Note: Due to my trading in of my IPhone for another (containing all my wonderful pictures of the food I had at the Guild House), my review will be in text-form (much like all our readings).  I decided to head down to...

Chief Editor's Final Note for AY2011/12

by Justified

Dear fellow NUS Law students, Justified will be taking a hiatus starting this April to allow members to fully prepare for their impending doom (exams). With the exams approaching, it heralds the end of Academic Year (AY) 2011/12 which is an apposite time for Law Annual (New Directions) to...

Just Yours - Week 12

by Justified

RESULTS Congratulations to Mitchell Yeo (year 2)! We will be contacting you shortly. Please be reminded that, as per the contest rule, you are required to write a short testimonial of your experience at NUSS Guild House at Bukit Timah which will be featured on this page. Thank you all...

Just Yours - Week 11

by Justified

RESULTS Congratulations to Tay Hao Ran (year 2)! We will be contacting you shortly. Please be reminded that, as per the contest rule, you are required to write a short testimonial of your experience at NUSS Guild House at Bukit Timah which will be featured on this page. Thank you...

Just Yours - Week 10

by Justified

RESULTS Congratulations to Pang Wei Ling (year 1)! We will be contacting you shortly. Please be reminded that, as per the contest rule, you are required to write a short testimonial of your experience at NUSS Guild House at Bukit Timah which will be featured on this page. Thank you...

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