

A collection of posts by NUS Law students dating all the way back to 2011.

577 posts

Gardens By The BTC: 8 Places in Botanic Gardens

by Justified in Arts & Culture

We’ve all endured that arduous 5-hour wait between a morning lecture and a night LARC session. Going home seems too much of a pain, studying a bore and BTC rather… meh. Life at this moment just seems more dull than a House of Lords judgment. We are, after all,...

Dentons Rodyk Moots 2018

by Justified in Just Happened

Alternate title: Den[ton] there were 10 It’s that time of the year again – people, decked out in black and white, wondering if they could be of any further assistance to the court. We all know what we’re talking about – the dreaded LARC moots. Regardless of whether you...

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