

A collection of posts by NUS Law students dating all the way back to 2011.

577 posts

SLR Annual Lecture 2017: Prosecution in the Public Interest

by Justified in Just Happened

Since its inception in 1984, the Singapore Law Review (SLR) Annual Lecture has been organised to further the SLR’s objectives of creating awareness of current legal issues and promoting legal thought and discussion amongst law students. Each lecture features a legal luminary on a topic of his or her...

6th Asia Pro Bono Conference

by Justified in Just Happened

The NUS Law Pro Bono Group (PBG) represented NUS Law at the 6th Asia Pro Bono Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This year, many universities — such as those in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam — sent representatives to take part in the conference. Having benefitted greatly from the conference, we...

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