Just Happened

Events you missed out on while you were mugging in the library.

266 posts

2014 Jessup Moot Nationals: Running Diary

by Justified in Just Happened

Here’s a running diary of this morning’s Singapore National Rounds of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition via some live tweets (sorry that’s all we can offer, there was too much to pay attention to) from the Court of Appeal. Here are the teams...

Valentine's Day 2014

by Justified in Arts & Culture

Valentine’s Day is usually an opportunity for amorous lovers to shower their affection upon their valentines, and, in general, a celebration of romantic love. However, the occasion has always been more than just that in NUS Law. Traditionally organised every year by the NUS Law Students’ International Relations Committee...

IFG 2013: Soccer (Mens)

by Justified in Just Happened

All groups in a football tournament are equal, but some are more equal than others. The less ‘equal’ group is deemed the group of death, the group with a disproportionate amount of quality opposition. While most teams will try to convince observers that their group is the group of death...

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