

A collection of posts by NUS Law students dating all the way back to 2011.

577 posts

IFG 2013: Frisbee

by Justified in Just Happened

Law IFG Frisbee Team 2013 with strong support from Team Managers: Danny Ng (2nd row, 3rd from right), Mark Yeo (man in white cap), VD (Venereal Disease) a.k.a Huan Yong (man with golden smile). Legendary carry hero Zhang Zhefei was busy signing autographs and could not make it...

Stamford Moots 2013

by Justified in Just Happened

“You two reignited the love of my life!” That was the exclamation of judge and senior director at Stamford Law, Mrs Lee Suet Fern, upon the completion of the Stamford moot finals. The challengers were Jonathan Yong (year 2) from NUS, and Jasper Wong (year 3) from SMU. Their challenge:...

IFG 2013: Soccer (Mens)

by Justified in Just Happened

All groups in a football tournament are equal, but some are more equal than others. The less ‘equal’ group is deemed the group of death, the group with a disproportionate amount of quality opposition. While most teams will try to convince observers that their group is the group of death...

Rodyk Challenge Grand Finals 2013

by Justified in Just Happened

On 15th March 2013, the Supreme Court Auditorium played host to the Rodyk Challenge Grand Finals, also known as the Rodyk NUS-SMU Challenge. The competition this year involved two draft bills that the teams had to review, improve, and then debate on in a Parliamentary style debate. The tricky task...

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