

A collection of posts by NUS Law students dating all the way back to 2011.

577 posts

LawMed 2017: Dota 2

by Justified in Just Happened

What’s DOTA 2? DOTA 2 or DotA (as it was originally known) is the Defence of the Ancients 2, is a multiplayer online battle arena game where five players take on another five in a super complicated fight where deaths do not matter at all — but rather the Defence...

LCF x Justified: Dentons Rodyk & Davidson LLP

by Justified in Life After Law School

Our second law firm featured is Dentons Rodyk & Davidson LLP. Being the first law firm that was set up in 1861 as Rodyk & Davidson (now Dentons Rodyk & Davidson), the firm has had a long and fulfilling history in Singapore. Since the early days, Dentons Rodyk has grown significantly from a...

An Apology on the Recent Matter

by Justified

Dear fellow students from SMU Law/whomever this may concern, Justified is a student-run news website at NUS Law. Earlier this month, we published an article on the recently concluded Attorney General’s Cup. The article contained comments which were made in bad taste and painted the mooters representing SMU,...

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