Judge, Jury, Justified

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Law Med Ultimate Frisbee: The Incredible Huck(s)

by Justified in Just Happened

It’s 9am on a Saturday morning, and I’m traipsing across what is practically a mud pit, with a sign right across it announcing “FIELD CLOSED FOR MAINTENANCE”. Such is the setting for the latest installment of what is possibly the most competitive game of LawMed ’16 – Ultimate Frisbee....

LawMed Volleyball

by Justified in Just Happened

It’s lawmed (LAWmed) season again. Team spirits were high on Saturday morning as the Law Volleyball Team destroyed medicine in a stunning victory of 3-0. The game was to be determined by a best of five. However, the boys spared no mercy and had already won 3 sets when...

I like writing by hand

by Justified in Opinions

I like writing by hand. I hate using a computer. I think that the worst thing about using a computer is that it is convenient. And because it is convenient, it becomes easy to lose yourself in its convenience. Using a computer in the lecture hall is subject to the...

Four Species of Endangered Lawyers

by Justified in Inter alia

Littered everywhere in the Singapore media is a doomsday prophecy for “young lawyers”. Even if they manage to beat the odds of getting a job amid the ‘glut’ of young lawyers, they are now told to hold off the (self-)congratulations as junior lawyers’ jobs are on the verge of...


by Justified in Humans of BTC

[Due to the sensitivity of the topic — audience members have asked not to be named. Similarly, speakers will not be named]   On the 14th of October, the Mooting and Debating Club held the inaugural ‘Quadversations’, a local spin on Oxford Union debates here in the leafy glades of BTC — in...

LAW IFG Netball

by Justified in Just Happened

In life, everything has a bell curve. Netball is no exception. Anyone who has ever played the game of netball (or watched a netball match, for the matter) should know what an intense sport it is. With only six minutes of game play in each half and a short three-minutes...

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