Just Happened

Events you missed out on while you were mugging in the library.

265 posts

IFG Roundup: Dodgeball

by Justified in Just Happened

On a freezing, pouring Saturday morning, the Law IFG dodge ball team braved the rain and gathered in the UTown Sports Hall 1 in an attempt to bring glory to the revered name of NUS Law. Bearing in mind our greatest achievement in the previous year (a single draw), we...

IFG Roundup: Basketball (Men's)

by Justified in Just Happened

Dr James Naismith really knew what he was doing. In December 1891, he nailed a peach basket onto a ten-foot pole, and got players to throw soccer balls inside. Balls had to be manually retrieved after every goal, and the laces on the ball made the bouncing unpredictable and erratic....

Law Med Netball

by Justified in Just Happened

It’s Saturday morning and our starry-eyed girls are up bright and early, ready to valiantly take on the fault in their stars — Medicine (which boasted two national players the sneaky beasts). The game, played over 6 rounds, is determined by a cumulative score. (L-R) Back: Erica (Y1), Mei Shuen...

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