
152 posts

LawMed 2014: Debate

by Justified in Just Happened

After having been placed second (note the word second is intentional) for the past 9 years, Law finally emerged victorious this year against Medicine in the annual Law-Med debate. Left to Right: Team Law, Team Med Unlike previous years, the motion for the debate this year deliberately excluded law and...

LawMed 2014: Basketball (Men's)

by Justified in Just Happened

Law Med 2014 GOLD medalists and record-breaking, undefeated (for 2 years in a row!) defending champions once again. Fans of basketball were treated to some of the most exciting events in recent memory over the past few days, beginning with the NBA Rising Stars Challenge on Saturday (15th February) and...

IFG 2013: Soccer (Mens)

by Justified in Just Happened

All groups in a football tournament are equal, but some are more equal than others. The less ‘equal’ group is deemed the group of death, the group with a disproportionate amount of quality opposition. While most teams will try to convince observers that their group is the group of death...

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