Just Happened

Events you missed out on while you were mugging in the library.

266 posts

Law IFG 2014: Volleyball

by Justified in Just Happened

Crowds gathered on 23rd August at the NUS University Town Sports Hall to catch the IFG Volleyball preliminaries. The men’s team, consisting of Andre Koh, Shawn Joo, Hyrum Li, Norman Aziz, Gan Xian Kai, Chua Cheng Aik, Joey Lim, and You Xiang, took the onlookers by storm as they...

Law IFG 2014: Netball

by Justified in Just Happened

Sugar (bananas, Twiggies, assorted loaves of bread), spice (the girls) and everything nice (i.e. didn’t come here expecting to decimate the competition). These were the ingredients chosen to make the perfect netball team! But Yufei (Y2) accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction — Team Managers Louis (Y3)...

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